Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Achyness UGH!!!!!!

i am soooo achy from the transformation last night. I am also really tired and the human that i love hasnt called me today about whether or not we can hang today or not. right now i am just writing this blog waiting for his call. I keep wanting to sleep more but i cant other whys i might miss his call and then we wouldnt be able to hang out so yeah that would suck i am thinking of calling him if he doesnt call soon. i went to a party at his house the night before halloween and then he came to my party on halloween. it was a lot of fun. at his party a couple of his other friends were there and we all sat around a camp fire and listened to some music. it was great on of his friends girl friends and i sang to some of the phantom of the opera songs fromk the movie cause we r weird like that and we all love that musical. it was just great. then me and him got soaked with the rest of my guests when we went out trick or treating on halloween. and then he took me to see rocky horror picture show. everyone was throwing everything it was a lot of fun i actually said some of the things u say when certain characters say their name or when they come on or when they do certain things it was a lot of fun. well gtg ttfn ta ta for now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

FULL MOON!!!!!!!!

The full moon is rising and soon it will be time to dance in her glory and run through the woods in wolf form with my pack and to watch the one i love from a far it will be an excellent night my adrenaline is already much higher than a normal persons and my heart rate is increasing very rapidly i can feel the change starting my muscles r growing and my sight is becoming more enhanced i can feel the beast inside yearning to be free. My joints are starting to ache as they sense the change is coming they know that tonight they will change form and be changed into a beautiful creature once more. I can not wait for the change to occur i am looking forward to it more than any other time . So hold your breath and count to three and make say a prayer that a werewolf wont come knocking at your door. HOWL!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Human to Love! <3

sorry i havent written in awhile i have had a hard couple of months. but none of it seems to matter anymore. i have been acquaintances with this human for quite some time and only at the home coming dance for my high school last week did i really start talking to him after and hour of talking we found out that we had a lot more incommon than either of us do with our other friends we grew close really fast and just in one day we were in love . I asked him to go with me to this teen club we have in my town and he said he would love to, so we went and well one of my gay friends found out for the first time that what ever u do to my neck i moan and so he kept torturing all night by biting and squeezing my neck. Then he told the guy that he should try it and at first he was like i dont want to hurt her and when i told him he wouldnt hurt me he did it and it felt soooooo good and after he stopped he rested his head on my shoulder and just stayed there until my gay friend interupted then he was freezing so i held onto him to help warm him up my gay friend has had a crush on him since he first met him and so he pulled me aside and asked if we could switch bodies if he ever found the technology to i jokingly said yes but i would never switch bodies when i had the guy of my dreams. then later that night we were holding eachother and our forheads were together and then he kissed me and we kissed for a few seconds and then he put his head on my shoulder and i put mine on his and we were just standing there enjoying the moment and then it was ruined by my gay friend ruining the moment and yet it didnt bother me all i knew was that i was the happiest girl on the earth because i had finally kissed the man of my dreams and he was in my arms. and all the world was gone.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


well heres some new i just got a new boyfriend and he is totally aweasome he and i are so similar. He is not a werewolf but i think i can make it work if i could just get over the fact that not everyone is out to get me. I look at the moon and i see his face i howl my love song to him and i can see him smile back like he knows that it is me i run through the night smiling as though the world was mine and that i just had to reach out and take it. Right now things r just so great i just feel like dancing.

Monday, September 7, 2009


i wish i was prettier but i am not and it is hard to accept my self like this. I used to be really skinny with a skinny face and long brown hair. Now i am chubby with short orange hair. and i dont find my self pretty but i dont know how can i tell i am me and i just see my faults. Sometimes i am scared of what people will think of me but u know u cant make people see what u want them to see i wish i could but i cant. Isnt life depressing.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


listening to the things in my mind makes me feel alone. and yet i know i am not alone. Its a strange feeling. I feel empty inside and it makes me want to cry. Then people tell me dont cry little one embrace ur life and take yourself back to the light. And yet u dont want to. You like the darkness where everything is peacefull and u dont have to worry about what people think about u all u do is sit and think. I like it here i just want to stay here. but some day u will have to leave because more people will come so u go out into the light and there it is just not the same. so u try to recreat the darkness any way u can.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

swim team

well yeah just got back from swim practice. wasnt very fun today had to come home early so yeah i will post again when there is more to post

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fair 2!!!!!!!!!!

I was the onloy girl from my swim team that showed up all three days i was so lonely until i got to know the people that i was working with. But other than that it was fun. I walked around and saw the animals that were there they had elephants camels and kangaroos. It was soooooo cool i want to go again next year and my coach thinks that i am sure in for the community service award for my team because i put in the most hours. I do a lot of community service and i plan to do a lot more for my team so that i can actually get an award this year. That would be nice. I might be a werewolf but that does not mean that i am the best at everything so yeah. School started today and it was a lot of fun to go back. All my teachers are really nice so that is a good thing so i will post again soon so update u more than.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am going to a fair preview tonight because i am going to be working at the fair Friday and Saturday so i don't get to ride the rides so they let us go to the preview so we get to ride the rides it will be so much fun. I get to do it with my swim team so that will be a lot of fun and i know that a few people i know might be going to the fair so that way i will know a couple of people so looking forward to that. And the guy werewolf i like i just found out that it will never work out between us so i really can't keep pursuing him so i have stopped but apparently in my future there will be a new guy. So i am looking forward to that hopefully will meet him once school starts up next week. I am so excited for school i just can't wait i have really good teachers that i know so that will be great and yeah i will blog again soon probably after the fair this weekend.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Laptop!

i got a "new" laptop from my brother cause he got a new one and mine broke. I got a cut and i don't know where from and it itches but i am not allowed to scratch. GRRRRRRRRR! i slept past my alarm today so i didn't get to work out so thats a bummer [probably will go on a run tonight though idk. Someitmes u know i wonder why life is so hard maybe ikts because i am a werewolf idk, but maybe because it is a test before we die so that when we die we can have either a great after life or a terrible one i have no idea. but any way i will post again soon.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well yesterday i went to a party and then i ended up staying over night and had the worst night sleep in my entire life and then when i came home i went back to bed and slept for another three hours. But it was totally aweasome cause first we were at the place where the party was eing held at a park around where i live and then we went to the lake and swam for a few hours. And usually i can not swim places where i can't see the bottom but yesterday i could cause i was with people so i was ok amazingly. so got to go i am still tired going to try and catch some more zz's maybe watch a movie so i will post again soon.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


i have officially lost ten lbs. YES!!!!! i am very happy about this and i am going to work out today really soon and i hope that i will lose more lbs soon. I hope u all r doing well and i send greetings from my pack to all of u sorry not much to post will post again soon when there is more to post.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More stuff

hey people well i don't know if i told yall but i have excess weight that i have been trying to get rid of and i have been losing weight really fast me and my friend are working out all day long and r losing weight fast. and this is a very good thing and i am very happy about it and i hope the guy werewolf i like will notice, because i really want him to notice. But now i know that the guy knows i had/have a crush on him so now i just have to get him to ask me out. is me but it seems like he does he complimented my eyes the other day and he is going to pay for me so i can go to the movies with my pack i can't wait i hope i can sit next to him if not it will be like cry cry. Well thats it for now post again soon.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My True Self

everyone i know i don't tell u a lot about my werewolf self but sometimes i am scared to let myself out, but right now i am going to. my nickname is zoe but inside my pack i am known as nina it's a native american name i don't know what it means but i know it is native american. my way of phasing is different i don't actually become a wolf its more that i let my inner wolf go and i let my senses go off on their own i dance i run and i howl. i can growl and bark and yip like a wolf you guys might call it dog if u ever heard it because u guys have never heard a wolf bark or growl. but i know in my heart what i am and i accept that. Now all you guys need to do is accept your selves. I am a sixteen year old werewolf and proud to be one. My body doesn't phase but my soul does and my soul likes to run wild and free.

Guy Werewolf Troubles

Does anybody even notice does anybody even care. Will any one come to my rescue and bring me to the light. Will i ever have the sun on my face. I live my life in shadow never the sun on my face will i ever be bathed in light. Or will i die first. Yet every time i am around him i am bathed in light and i feel noticed which feels so good but i am just too scared to tell him how i feel what do i do about it. I ponder these questions and i want to tell him before he leaves. But i am so nervous i don't know weather i will be able to tell him or not. I wonder if i will ever be able to tell him but i am so confused i don't know what to do i like the way i feel when i am with him but who knows what will happen next. I sure don't.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Werewolf in Love

the guy i like came over today he is so sweet and sensitive i just want to howl at him i like him so much. he is also very attractive and strong. i hope that someday he will tell me that he likes me too but i see no sun on the horizon yet. still reading breaking dawn and loving it every day sorry this is not longer but i want to read some more and inothing really happened today and i don't want to bother u with my love sick mind.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Looking through ur eyes

as i look up at the clouds tonight i think of a song where it is cloudy and yet they sing to eachother "Look at the sky tell me what do u see. Just close ur eyes and describe it to me the heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight. Thats what i see through ur eyes. I see the heavens each time that u smile i hear ur heart beat just go on through mine and suddenly i know why life is worth while thats what i see through ur eyes. Thats what i see through ur eyes here in the dark i see the sun her in the dark our two hearts are one its out of our hands we can't stop what we have begun and love has took me by surprise looking through ur eyes." I love that song and how they fall in love that night with no care in the world.sometimes i think that life would look a whole lot differnt if we could look through someone elses eyes. I wonder this because if u humans could look through my eyes u would see a world of magic and grace a place where anything is possible all u have to do is beleive.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i look up to the sky at the twinkling stars and i wonder what is up there. None of us really know not even the psychics know all we know is that one day we die we don't know what happens to our souls all we know is that our bodies decay and that there might be a heaven and we might reincarnate as something else but how do we really know. I know that i am wiccan and i am supposed to believe that we reincarnate but i mean i am not sure if that really happens or not none of us know for sure. So when i look at the stars i wonder were we go if its a good place or a bad place and who decides that. I hope that my ancestors have found peace where ever it is we go but thats all i can do hope.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Upset stomach

I have been going to this cooking camp for a few days now and they have always feed me something that makes my stomach churn. Being a werewolf makes me not like a bunch of vegetables especially when cooked i don't know just the texture is always really bad or they just don't taste right to me so they use a a lot of vegetables and it just makes me sick to my stomach. But today i made really good meat balls and good chicken. But they forced me to eat this mint frozen custard that was like ice cream and it was fine just sitting in my mouth but then when i swallowed it i gagged what a surprise. Is there no place i can go and just be my full self and just eat what i want and lie down someplace that is warm and feels safe.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Life in Shadows

I live my life in shadows never the sun on my face. It hasn't been so sad though i figure this is my place. My life is a dark and unruley place i don't fit in in one specific place i exist only because i am ment to do something in this world i have no one who really understands me, and in truth no one really understands u because when we r with people we r different then who we really r. U can only be one side of ur self with one person and then another with someone else. Sometimes i just wish that i could be my full self with someone but i can't my secrets that r close to my heart will always stay close to my heart. I don't know if i will ever truely be comfortable around everyone but at least i can sort of be my self and sort of be comfortable with my friends and family i hope that u don't have this problem because frankly it sucks. Sometimes i just wish that i could run away from it all and never come back. I guess what i really need right now is to do some soul searching.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just one of those times.

You ever have one of those times u just want to howl at the moon and ask her why ur life sucks so much. Well i don't know if u would howl at the moon but i bet u would like to scream during those moments. Well right now that is how i feel unfourtionatly the moon isn't out yet but i did scream. My mother sick so now i have to wait on her hand and foot and of course all my brother does is stay up in his room and plays on his computer. And of course i get stuck preparing dinner and when i ask him to come down to wash some plates he asks why me. It is kind of like ARRRGGGHHHH i am already cooking dinner and they want me to wash dishes to eat on too. And now i am waiting for my friend to call so that i can go over to her house so that i can hopefully calm down.

Bored at home

You might find it strange that a girl is writting this blog. A girl who says she is a were wolf what r the odds of that u would think a guy would say that he is a werewolf a girl would say she was a vampire or a witch, but u see i am not like most people i like werewolves more and i think they r alot cooler so here goes. I am just sitting at home writing this blog and reading the book breaking dawn and for any of u who don't know what book that is it is in the twilight series. And then i thought of my friend and how she wanted me to create a blog on this website so i did. Right now in my life i am trying to lose weight and succeding i like boxing and taking long hikes in the woods. And i love animals. So anyone who wishes to follow me and go through my life with me i welcome u to the life of a teenage werewolf.