Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bored at home

You might find it strange that a girl is writting this blog. A girl who says she is a were wolf what r the odds of that u would think a guy would say that he is a werewolf a girl would say she was a vampire or a witch, but u see i am not like most people i like werewolves more and i think they r alot cooler so here goes. I am just sitting at home writing this blog and reading the book breaking dawn and for any of u who don't know what book that is it is in the twilight series. And then i thought of my friend and how she wanted me to create a blog on this website so i did. Right now in my life i am trying to lose weight and succeding i like boxing and taking long hikes in the woods. And i love animals. So anyone who wishes to follow me and go through my life with me i welcome u to the life of a teenage werewolf.

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