Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Looking through ur eyes

as i look up at the clouds tonight i think of a song where it is cloudy and yet they sing to eachother "Look at the sky tell me what do u see. Just close ur eyes and describe it to me the heavens are sparkling with starlight tonight. Thats what i see through ur eyes. I see the heavens each time that u smile i hear ur heart beat just go on through mine and suddenly i know why life is worth while thats what i see through ur eyes. Thats what i see through ur eyes here in the dark i see the sun her in the dark our two hearts are one its out of our hands we can't stop what we have begun and love has took me by surprise looking through ur eyes." I love that song and how they fall in love that night with no care in the world.sometimes i think that life would look a whole lot differnt if we could look through someone elses eyes. I wonder this because if u humans could look through my eyes u would see a world of magic and grace a place where anything is possible all u have to do is beleive.

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