Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just one of those times.

You ever have one of those times u just want to howl at the moon and ask her why ur life sucks so much. Well i don't know if u would howl at the moon but i bet u would like to scream during those moments. Well right now that is how i feel unfourtionatly the moon isn't out yet but i did scream. My mother sick so now i have to wait on her hand and foot and of course all my brother does is stay up in his room and plays on his computer. And of course i get stuck preparing dinner and when i ask him to come down to wash some plates he asks why me. It is kind of like ARRRGGGHHHH i am already cooking dinner and they want me to wash dishes to eat on too. And now i am waiting for my friend to call so that i can go over to her house so that i can hopefully calm down.

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