Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fair 2!!!!!!!!!!

I was the onloy girl from my swim team that showed up all three days i was so lonely until i got to know the people that i was working with. But other than that it was fun. I walked around and saw the animals that were there they had elephants camels and kangaroos. It was soooooo cool i want to go again next year and my coach thinks that i am sure in for the community service award for my team because i put in the most hours. I do a lot of community service and i plan to do a lot more for my team so that i can actually get an award this year. That would be nice. I might be a werewolf but that does not mean that i am the best at everything so yeah. School started today and it was a lot of fun to go back. All my teachers are really nice so that is a good thing so i will post again soon so update u more than.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I am going to a fair preview tonight because i am going to be working at the fair Friday and Saturday so i don't get to ride the rides so they let us go to the preview so we get to ride the rides it will be so much fun. I get to do it with my swim team so that will be a lot of fun and i know that a few people i know might be going to the fair so that way i will know a couple of people so looking forward to that. And the guy werewolf i like i just found out that it will never work out between us so i really can't keep pursuing him so i have stopped but apparently in my future there will be a new guy. So i am looking forward to that hopefully will meet him once school starts up next week. I am so excited for school i just can't wait i have really good teachers that i know so that will be great and yeah i will blog again soon probably after the fair this weekend.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Laptop!

i got a "new" laptop from my brother cause he got a new one and mine broke. I got a cut and i don't know where from and it itches but i am not allowed to scratch. GRRRRRRRRR! i slept past my alarm today so i didn't get to work out so thats a bummer [probably will go on a run tonight though idk. Someitmes u know i wonder why life is so hard maybe ikts because i am a werewolf idk, but maybe because it is a test before we die so that when we die we can have either a great after life or a terrible one i have no idea. but any way i will post again soon.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well yesterday i went to a party and then i ended up staying over night and had the worst night sleep in my entire life and then when i came home i went back to bed and slept for another three hours. But it was totally aweasome cause first we were at the place where the party was eing held at a park around where i live and then we went to the lake and swam for a few hours. And usually i can not swim places where i can't see the bottom but yesterday i could cause i was with people so i was ok amazingly. so got to go i am still tired going to try and catch some more zz's maybe watch a movie so i will post again soon.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


i have officially lost ten lbs. YES!!!!! i am very happy about this and i am going to work out today really soon and i hope that i will lose more lbs soon. I hope u all r doing well and i send greetings from my pack to all of u sorry not much to post will post again soon when there is more to post.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

More stuff

hey people well i don't know if i told yall but i have excess weight that i have been trying to get rid of and i have been losing weight really fast me and my friend are working out all day long and r losing weight fast. and this is a very good thing and i am very happy about it and i hope the guy werewolf i like will notice, because i really want him to notice. But now i know that the guy knows i had/have a crush on him so now i just have to get him to ask me out. is me but it seems like he does he complimented my eyes the other day and he is going to pay for me so i can go to the movies with my pack i can't wait i hope i can sit next to him if not it will be like cry cry. Well thats it for now post again soon.

Monday, August 3, 2009

My True Self

everyone i know i don't tell u a lot about my werewolf self but sometimes i am scared to let myself out, but right now i am going to. my nickname is zoe but inside my pack i am known as nina it's a native american name i don't know what it means but i know it is native american. my way of phasing is different i don't actually become a wolf its more that i let my inner wolf go and i let my senses go off on their own i dance i run and i howl. i can growl and bark and yip like a wolf you guys might call it dog if u ever heard it because u guys have never heard a wolf bark or growl. but i know in my heart what i am and i accept that. Now all you guys need to do is accept your selves. I am a sixteen year old werewolf and proud to be one. My body doesn't phase but my soul does and my soul likes to run wild and free.

Guy Werewolf Troubles

Does anybody even notice does anybody even care. Will any one come to my rescue and bring me to the light. Will i ever have the sun on my face. I live my life in shadow never the sun on my face will i ever be bathed in light. Or will i die first. Yet every time i am around him i am bathed in light and i feel noticed which feels so good but i am just too scared to tell him how i feel what do i do about it. I ponder these questions and i want to tell him before he leaves. But i am so nervous i don't know weather i will be able to tell him or not. I wonder if i will ever be able to tell him but i am so confused i don't know what to do i like the way i feel when i am with him but who knows what will happen next. I sure don't.