Saturday, November 6, 2010

Senior Year

everyone thinks i am so excited about this year when really i am just excited about the end of it i will finally be out of high school. finally free from hiding who i really am. free of everyone thinking i am a freak because i dress differently. every full moon i run and sing a lunar song my wolf comes fully out and i am free. when i am through with highschool i will feel even more freedom. i wont have to conceal my true self constantly, because i wont have to worry about the wrong people finding out and useing it against me at my school. i can hang out with who i want to hang out with i get to choose who comes and who doesnt i can choose classes that my friends are in and not have to worry about what popular kid might be snooping around mear us because they will all be far away leading their own pathetic lives. and i will be running through the woods free.