Saturday, September 12, 2009


well heres some new i just got a new boyfriend and he is totally aweasome he and i are so similar. He is not a werewolf but i think i can make it work if i could just get over the fact that not everyone is out to get me. I look at the moon and i see his face i howl my love song to him and i can see him smile back like he knows that it is me i run through the night smiling as though the world was mine and that i just had to reach out and take it. Right now things r just so great i just feel like dancing.

Monday, September 7, 2009


i wish i was prettier but i am not and it is hard to accept my self like this. I used to be really skinny with a skinny face and long brown hair. Now i am chubby with short orange hair. and i dont find my self pretty but i dont know how can i tell i am me and i just see my faults. Sometimes i am scared of what people will think of me but u know u cant make people see what u want them to see i wish i could but i cant. Isnt life depressing.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


listening to the things in my mind makes me feel alone. and yet i know i am not alone. Its a strange feeling. I feel empty inside and it makes me want to cry. Then people tell me dont cry little one embrace ur life and take yourself back to the light. And yet u dont want to. You like the darkness where everything is peacefull and u dont have to worry about what people think about u all u do is sit and think. I like it here i just want to stay here. but some day u will have to leave because more people will come so u go out into the light and there it is just not the same. so u try to recreat the darkness any way u can.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

swim team

well yeah just got back from swim practice. wasnt very fun today had to come home early so yeah i will post again when there is more to post