Saturday, November 6, 2010

Senior Year

everyone thinks i am so excited about this year when really i am just excited about the end of it i will finally be out of high school. finally free from hiding who i really am. free of everyone thinking i am a freak because i dress differently. every full moon i run and sing a lunar song my wolf comes fully out and i am free. when i am through with highschool i will feel even more freedom. i wont have to conceal my true self constantly, because i wont have to worry about the wrong people finding out and useing it against me at my school. i can hang out with who i want to hang out with i get to choose who comes and who doesnt i can choose classes that my friends are in and not have to worry about what popular kid might be snooping around mear us because they will all be far away leading their own pathetic lives. and i will be running through the woods free.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Moonlite Run

The Moon is high in the sky I am running through the forest I can't stop running otherwise it will get me. I keep running and running. I can't stop I have to keep running. My paws thud on the ground as I run. My breathing gets heavy. I pant my tongue hanging out of my mouth. It's getting closer. I have to face it or I will never stop running. I slide to a stop and spin around lifting up onto my hind legs and there it is. My past. It looks me dead in the face I stare right back and growl daring it to keep dragging me down. I see everything my first boy friend, my first big mistake, my great grandmothers funeral, the day i chose this path, the day I found out what I truly was, the day i went into the hospital, the day I found out my grandfather went into the hospital, the day i lost a great love, the day I realized i don't need to prove anything to anyone. I bowed my head and the last tear i would shed for my past slid down my muzzle and drop to the ground. Then I lifted my head and sang to the moon her lunar song. Then I looked ahead of me towards my future and I started walking.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Love Forbidden

I know I haven't written in awhile but now I am finally writing again and this is whats been going on in my life. I have lost weight and I have died my hair a bunch of different colors and then now it is a dark brown. I have been through heartbreak but no heart fulfillment . I have been to wiccan rituals and have met people and I have fallen for someone again. But I don't think that he will fall for me like I fell for him. He is an artist like me and he likes similar things that I like,but I still don't think he will fall for me.I don't think anyone would fall for me. i am alone in this world and I am sad about that but there is nothing I can do about it either. I will lie awake and cry about sometimes but other times I will rejoice in it all I want is someone to love me forever and always. But I doubt I will ever find it. All I can do is hope and prey and keep believing.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I am Back

Well sorry i havent blogged in awhile i have been really busy so yeah. I hope you all had a good holiday mine was pretty much uneventful. But you want to know something I am officially with a guy he is a werewolf, and yes he is the werewolf from my pack that i was all over before. so yeah we are together now and he is only around until the 21 or the 24 hopefully the 24 so i can spend more time with him. I was going to go lazer tagging with him and my brother but my parents are being annoying so yeah. But yeah so i am with him and hopefully i can see him some other time this week which would be brilliant cause i already miss him. We went to see avatar last night it was aweasome i want to see him today though. well i am going to sign off. hopefully i will post more soon ttyl.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Achyness UGH!!!!!!

i am soooo achy from the transformation last night. I am also really tired and the human that i love hasnt called me today about whether or not we can hang today or not. right now i am just writing this blog waiting for his call. I keep wanting to sleep more but i cant other whys i might miss his call and then we wouldnt be able to hang out so yeah that would suck i am thinking of calling him if he doesnt call soon. i went to a party at his house the night before halloween and then he came to my party on halloween. it was a lot of fun. at his party a couple of his other friends were there and we all sat around a camp fire and listened to some music. it was great on of his friends girl friends and i sang to some of the phantom of the opera songs fromk the movie cause we r weird like that and we all love that musical. it was just great. then me and him got soaked with the rest of my guests when we went out trick or treating on halloween. and then he took me to see rocky horror picture show. everyone was throwing everything it was a lot of fun i actually said some of the things u say when certain characters say their name or when they come on or when they do certain things it was a lot of fun. well gtg ttfn ta ta for now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

FULL MOON!!!!!!!!

The full moon is rising and soon it will be time to dance in her glory and run through the woods in wolf form with my pack and to watch the one i love from a far it will be an excellent night my adrenaline is already much higher than a normal persons and my heart rate is increasing very rapidly i can feel the change starting my muscles r growing and my sight is becoming more enhanced i can feel the beast inside yearning to be free. My joints are starting to ache as they sense the change is coming they know that tonight they will change form and be changed into a beautiful creature once more. I can not wait for the change to occur i am looking forward to it more than any other time . So hold your breath and count to three and make say a prayer that a werewolf wont come knocking at your door. HOWL!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Human to Love! <3

sorry i havent written in awhile i have had a hard couple of months. but none of it seems to matter anymore. i have been acquaintances with this human for quite some time and only at the home coming dance for my high school last week did i really start talking to him after and hour of talking we found out that we had a lot more incommon than either of us do with our other friends we grew close really fast and just in one day we were in love . I asked him to go with me to this teen club we have in my town and he said he would love to, so we went and well one of my gay friends found out for the first time that what ever u do to my neck i moan and so he kept torturing all night by biting and squeezing my neck. Then he told the guy that he should try it and at first he was like i dont want to hurt her and when i told him he wouldnt hurt me he did it and it felt soooooo good and after he stopped he rested his head on my shoulder and just stayed there until my gay friend interupted then he was freezing so i held onto him to help warm him up my gay friend has had a crush on him since he first met him and so he pulled me aside and asked if we could switch bodies if he ever found the technology to i jokingly said yes but i would never switch bodies when i had the guy of my dreams. then later that night we were holding eachother and our forheads were together and then he kissed me and we kissed for a few seconds and then he put his head on my shoulder and i put mine on his and we were just standing there enjoying the moment and then it was ruined by my gay friend ruining the moment and yet it didnt bother me all i knew was that i was the happiest girl on the earth because i had finally kissed the man of my dreams and he was in my arms. and all the world was gone.